Monday, January 7, 2008

What comes next...

Its been awhile since I blogged...we've been pretty busy with little Winnie. She is growing like a weed. This past week our fun has been celebrating New Years with friends, cleaning up diapers that explode up the back (oh what fun!), lunch with friends, eating out & how could I forget the spitting up (all over mommy). So, as you can tell our hands have been full. We are very proud of her too, as she is now sleeping 9 hours through the night, giving Tom & I time together and hours to sleep. This week should prove to be another interesting one as I start back to work. I am blessed to be able to work from home for most of January, and Tom will be off for 2 of the weeks.

She loves fans much more alert to everything around her...

Snug as a bug....

That hair is pretty scary...haha

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