Friday, February 8, 2008

Slight resemblance...

Earlier this week Tom & I were admiring Winnie's beautiful eyes, her "baby blues" and realized how much the blue is a lot like mine. We are really hoping her eyes stay blue, as they really can change within the first year or so.

So excited that today is Friday!! We don't have much planned this weekend, just enjoying family and getting Winnie's 3mon pictures taken. Since she is almost 3months its time for me to decide if I am going to keep b.feeding I always said I would take 3months at a time (no need to feel overwhelmed). I've really enjoyed b.feeding her, and she really doesn't love the bottle....SO....I'm going to stick with it for 3 more months. It will get interesting once she gets some teeth.... I can see now how it can be hard for some women, and it really needs to be a decision that each mother should make. Especially going back to work, it takes dedication and commitment (and can be painful).


Amy said...

That's a great picture of you two!

Jenifer said...

What a great picture of Mommy and baby!!